Steel Plate Fabricators, a subsidiary of Knoxville Sheet Metal Works inc., is a quality control-oriented company with 100 years of experience in certified welding and metal fabrication using the industry’s most advanced equipment and methods.
Quality is foremost. We cut – or eliminate – your company’s downtime by providing the finest fabrication services.
Steel Plate Fabricators invites inquiries on how we can serve you in the areas of new plant expansions, new systems, or maintenance and repairs to existing facilities.
We offer components for your in-plant installation or turn-key jobs in conjunction with erection contractors.
Our plant location is excellent for ground transportation. We are adjacent to interstates 40, 75, and 640, and, just 5 minutes from downtown Knoxville.
We are serviced by all major trucking companies and specialized hauling contractors. Twelve overhead cranes, up to 30-ton capacity, in our recently expanded 100,000 square-foot plant can handle all your needs.
Please let us quote your next project. Everything in our history, performance and work ethic says you will not be
Mike Russell,
President & General Manager